A Spiritual Coach

A Spiritual Coach coaches spiritual people.

A spiritual person has awakened to the reality of their spiritual path in life.

They require a spiritual coach to support and guide them on their path.

A spiritual coach does not coach as a profession or as a hobby.

A hobby meets one’s emotional needs.

A profession meets one’s material and monetary needs.

A ‘calling’ fulfils one’s vision for one’s life.

It is not my vision to be a coach.

Being a coach and coaching spiritual people allows me to fulfil my vision for my life. It is the means, the reason and the purpose.

Aligning others to their path in life, aligns my Self to my path.

Empowering others empowers my Self.

What I give to others, I allow my Self to receive more of.

I give to my clients my Time, my Space and my Reality.

These are the most essential elements of my abundant Life.