Actualising Real Potential

Potential is not real until it is actualised.

Actualising potential means living up to my potential.

I am challenged to realise my potential and to make my potential a reality.

When I am actually living to my full potential, it is being realised.

My potential is not real, it does not exist, until I make it my reality and I realise that it is my reality.

Before I can actualise my potential, I first have to realise that I have a potential.

I cannot give someone else my potential. They have to realise their own potential.

Once someone realises that their potential is potentially real, I can guide, support and coach them to realise their potential.

Once my potential has become actualised, I have realised my potential and my potential has become my reality, I have fulfilled my Potential for my Life.

The way to Actualising Real Potential is to realise that potential is actually real and that potentially we are actually real.

We are all Pure Potential.