Advising & Advice

Advising is a Coaching skill.

Giving Advice is not.

As a Life Coach, I advise people to always make their own choices and to follow their own path.

Ad-vise means ‘to see’.

A Coach guides others to see the best direction for their life path.

When I advise another of what I would choose, I am doing just that, advising them of what I would choose. I am modelling, mentoring or encouraging another to see a different path.

As a Coach, I never give advice on what I believe another should do. This is not coaching it is consulting.

I consult another for advice and I seek a Coach for guidance.

Ad-vice means ‘to vice’.

Giving advice is telling someone what to do.

Telling someone what to do is arrogance. Therefore taking advice is an act of humbleness.

Giving advice is directing someone along my path rather than advising someone on their path.

When I do not understand the distinction, I may need to indemnify my Self against the consequences of my advice.

I always advise others to never give advice.

Be advised by another, yet never take their advice.