
Releasing is letting go of what I am attached to in life.

What I am emotionally attached to in life is the result of my belief that I need it.

Releasing my emotional attachments involves a ‘cleansing’ or a purification of my emotional energy.

Releasing a mental belief, that I am attached to, creates an emotional cleansing and a ‘deliverance’ or redemption of my truth.

Redeeming my truth is akin to being ‘delivered from evil’.

Emotional needs and limiting beliefs create the roles and the dramas that exist in my life.

Releasing my limiting beliefs and cleansing my emotions, delivers me from the problems, the fears and the dramas of life that cause my suffering.

Re-leasing is contracting a new set of beliefs and a new lease of Life that allows my life-force energy to flow effortlessly and to grow expansively.