My 15 Transformational Life Shifts

  1. From critical to self-confident to Truly Selfish.
  2. From survival to comfort & security to Awareness.
  3. From professional development to personal development to Self-development.
  4. From problems to challenges to Opportunities.
  5. From being motivated to being self-motivated to being Empowered.
  6. From life happens to me, to life happens by me, to life happens Through me.
  7. From being reactive to being pro-active to being Allowing.
  8. From being impatient & intolerant, to being patient & tolerant, to being Accepting.
  9. From living my doom to living my fate to living my Destiny.
  10. From conscious incompetence to conscious competence to Unconscious Competence.
  11. From being co-dependent to being inter-dependent to being Inter-developmental.
  12. From being rational to being instinctive to being Intuitive.
  13. From being a problem solver to being a therapist to being a Life Coach.
  14. From rational intelligence to emotional intelligence to Spiritual Awareness.
  15. From the laws of physics to the laws of perspective to the Laws of Attraction.

I am on a Journey of Transformational Shifts to become Truly Selfish in the Awareness of my Opportunities for Self-development that are Empowered Through me by Allowing & Accepting the Destiny of my Unconscious Competence as an  Inter-developmental Intuitive Life Coach using the Spiritual Awareness of the Laws of Attraction.