Level Three Coaching

Level Three Coaching communicates at the level of the Super-conscious Mind.

It connects the Coachee with their Soul, True Identity or Real Self.

It is an Inter-developmental Relationship where the coach is at One with the Coachee.

It is about accessing the presence of the present moment of Now.

It is an intuitive exercise that assists the Coachee to feel, see and know who they really are.

It facilitates the clarification of the Coachee’s own unique opportunities for life.

A Transformative Coach operates at level three.

It is about the Self Development of the client.

It helps them to see where they are now, where they want to be and how they are going to get there.

Level Three Coaching connects the Coachee to their own personal Vision, Mission and Purpose for their life, as well as identifying their True Values.

It allows the client to experience their own empowered inspiration and revelations.

The core skill of the Coach is Listening.

The essential attribute of the Coach is their exclusive-connection to Life.