Guiding & Supporting

Guiding & Supporting the client or coachee is the role of the Coach.

The role of the Life Coach is to guide and support the exploration, discovery and experience of life.

The Coach guides the development of the client.

The question is: “Whose plan or map are they using”?

The Coach supports the development of the client.

But: “Whose emotional energy are they using”?

When the Coach uses their own practical experience to guide the client, they are mentoring or consulting.

When the Coach uses their own emotional energy to support the client, they are counselling or caring.

When the Coach connects the client to the client’s own source of authority, they are being a Transformational Coach.

When the Coach connects the client to the client’s own source of emotional power, they are being a Transcendental Coach.

Guiding & Supporting a client to fulfill their own vision, mission and purpose in their life requires the ability of the Coach to connect the Coachee to their own true source of power & authority, which accesses the client’s own True Values.

They become guided in the authority of their Truth and supported in the power of their Values.