Attached or Connected

Being either Attached or Connected is an important distinction within a Coaching Relationship.

When I am attached to a client, it is because they are meeting an emotional need of mine.

It is my emotional need that attaches me to a client.

When a coaching relationship is meeting my emotional needs, it is not empowering and will develop into a co-dependent relationship.

Co-dependent relationships are not developmental.

An attachment is an emotional need.

I am attached to a relationship by my need to have the relationship, whatever that emotional need may be.

When I connect with my client, I harmonise with their energy in a benign and beneficial way.

When the connection is mutually beneficial, it is empathic and compassionate.

When the connection is sympathetic or apathetic, it is negative and mutually detrimental.

When I am disconnected with my client, I am being aloof, insensitive and unemotional.

When I am attached to my client, I am being inclusive, too emotional or irrational.

When I am exclusively-connected to my client, I am being sensitively-detached and emotionally-intelligent in a rational way.

Who I am being in relationship to my client is always my choice and my responsibility.