Transformative Coaching

Transformative Coaching allows the client the ability to transform their life.

The ability to transform my life requires both power & authority.

The authority to transform my life is my highest Choice and the source of my Truth.

The power to transform my life is my emotional state of being and the source of my Pure feeling.

Connecting to my power requires that I meet my own emotional needs and connect to my own true values.

Connecting to my authority requires my alignment with my vision and my truth instead of the limiting beliefs and the fears that inhibit my truth.

Transformative Coaching is Intuitive.

It requires my intuitive sense of:

  • Knowing my true path
  • Feeling the inspiration of my messages of revelation
  • Seeing the ideal life that I have chosen for my Self.

Transformative Coaching is the transformation of one’s Self into alignment with one’s Soul.

Only when I am intuitively aligned with my Soul can I coach another to become aligned with their path.