Coaching with a Vision

There are 3 types of Coaches:

  1. Coaches who have a vision for their own life and know their vision with clarity
  2. Coaches who do not know that they have a vision for their life
  3. Coaches who know they have a vision but as yet do not know what their vision is.

It is the discovery of the vision for my own life that allows me to coach another to discover their vision for their life.

The discovery of one’s life vision allows one to explore the true purpose of one’s life with clarity.

In the absence of knowing their vision or knowing that they have a vision, a Coach usually states as their reason for coaching :”Helping other people” or “Making money”.

When the client becomes the purpose of the coaching, the Coach’s ability to discover their own true purpose and learn their own vision becomes greatly compromised.

The Coach becomes driven by their own need to coach and the client’s need to be coached, with the motivation to fulfil their own sub-conscious emotional needs rather than being empowered by the true value of coaching.

When the Coach’s needs remain unmet, there is the possibility of an attachment forming that inevitably leads to a co-dependent relationship between the Coach and the Client.

Helping to develop others is an objective; never a vision.

The objective of coaching is to guide & support the client to meet their own needs; not to meet their needs for them.

Only when the Coach becomes consciously aware of their own emotional needs and their own true values are they able to know their own vision, mission & purpose in life; and only then does it become clear that they are able to Coach with a Vision.