Pushing my Buttons

As an unawakened mortal, what pushes my buttons drains my emotional energy.

To an awakened Soul, pushing my buttons is an opportunity for growth.

I sub-consciously push someone else’s buttons as part of my control drama to raise my emotional energy at the  detriment of that other person.

This is the arrogance of being an Intimidator, an Interrogator, a Cynic, a Critic or a sarcastic Judge of character.

As a Life Coach, I consciously push someone else’s buttons whilst gently supporting them in their opportunity for personal growth.

This is Coaching with an Edge, whilst being Charge Neutral.

Before I can hold the space for my client with sensitive detachment, I am required to have taken the opportunity for my own Self growth.

My Soul arranges for my buttons to be pushed, to ensure that I remain awake, alert and aware of all my opportunities to experience expansive growth.