Managed or Employed

I am Managed by a Directive Manager.

A Directive Manager uses me to carry out the tasks that are required to meet the manager’s objectives.

When I manage to carry out the tasks to the satisfaction & agreement of the one who is directing me, I am deemed to be useful and a good worker.

I am Employed by a Consultative Leader.

A Consultative Leader uses my skills & abilities to the benefit of a team of employees.

Each team member employs their skills to the benefit of the team’s objectives.

When my skills are useful to the team, I am usefully employed within the team.

The team objectives are agreed by the team in consultation with the Team Leader.

A Directive Manager will need to motivate their workers individually, whereas a Consultative Leader employs individually empowered team members.

Workers are well-managed when outer directed and motivated.

Employees are well-employed when inner directed and empowered.

A Directive Manager usefully directs & manages the work of workers at work.

A Team Leader usefully employs employees in their employment.