A Clash of Management Styles

Directive Management is a style of Management that tells workers what to do, when to do it, how to do it, where to do it, why to do it and how to do it.

To operate well, it requires Standard Operating Procedures to be in force.

Consultative Leadership is a style of Management that consults with employees to gain co-operation in the attainment of agreed objectives to agreed Standards of Performance.

It operates well when the team is in agreement with the Standards of Performance that are required to achieve the agreed objectives of their employment.

Directive Management requires the attainment of good management skills.

Consultative Leadership requires the attainment of effective coaching skills.

Inner directed employees that are already inspired and empowered to achieve, do not respond well to directive management.

Outer directed workers who require motivation & supervision may react negatively to consultative leadership.

Directive Managers need workers to do as they are directed.

Consultative Leaders authorise their employees to become responsibly empowered.

A Directive Manager needs to be managed directly by a Director.

A Consultative Leader needs to consult with their Leader.