Leaders, Seekers & Followers

Followers follow a leader because it is more beneficial for them to follow than to lead.

They seek only a leader to lead them, as it is the leader’s path that they follow.

Seekers seek their own path to follow.

They seek to lead others along their path to endorse their path as the one that they are seeking.

Seekers, by definition, do not have a vision.

Without a vision, I have no clear path to follow; just the search for my vision that illuminates my path.

A path is the vision that every seeker seeks.

Most followers follow seekers rather than leaders.

They are following a seeker in their search for the Truth.

They follow the seeker because the seeker needs followers as much as the followers need a leader.

A seeker is one who has no need to follow a leader.

Leaders have a clear vision and follow their path knowing that they have found their path.

A True Leader does not seek followers as they know that is the role of a Seeker not a Leader.