A Bigot

A Bigot:

  • Is one who is obstinately and intolerantly devoted to their own opinions and prejudices.
  • Has a closed mind and sees only the version of reality that they have chosen and created.
  • Suffers the hubris of believing that others are less equal than themselves and the greed of needing to be better than other people.
  • Believes that there is only one reality and is both self-righteous and sanctimonious in believing that their reality is the only reality.
  • Is prejudiced against other peoples’ views that they believe to be wrong, because they have a need to be right and to justify their own perspective of life.
  • Is not accepting of all others and lacks the ability to forgive their own shortcomings.
  • Does not willingly allow others to follow their own path in life.
  • Enjoys asserting their authority over other people.
  • Rarely approves of who others are being, prefering to focus on their faults rather than their positive attributes.
  • Will consistenly encounter conflict because they will attract people who, like themselves, have very strong conflicting beliefs, opinions and convictions that they will obstinately defend with intolerance.

The qualities of a bigot are often confused with the qualities of directive leadership in our society today.