The Quality of Leadership

The Quality of Leadership is a measure of individual self-esteem.

The higher the esteem, the greater the quality of  leadership.

My quality of leadership is determined by my quota of self-confidence combined with my quanta of self-worth.

It is about how much I confide in my Self and how much I value my Self.

Followers follow leaders whom they hold in high esteem.

People with high self-esteem do not need to follow other people.

People with low self-esteem need an example of high self-esteem to follow.

With high self-esteem, I follow my own path in life and I lead my own life.

I have no need of followers to endorse my quality of leadership.

Leaders have a vision to follow and a vision that leads them.

High self-esteem is essential to the realisation of my vision for life.

Realising my vision and fulfilling my purpose builds self-esteem and attracts the esteem of others.

People follow people who have a vision and people who have a purpose.

Without a clear vision, a clear direction and a clear purpose, there are no followers and the leadership has no quality.

Esteem is the product of my confidence and worth.

Disciples follow the example of leaders who are confident in their value to those who follow their lead.