Team Leadership

Teams follow a common vision and agreed objectives to make that vision a reality by meeting those agreed objectives.

Teams are led by a common vision and agreed objectives to realise their vision by achieving  their objectives.

A Team Leaders  role is to facilitate the agreement of a common vision and the objectives required to attain that vision.

A Team Leader does not manage the team.

A co-operative team is self-managing and does not need a Team Manager.

A Team Leader encourages the ‘togetherness’ of the separate departmental functions that make up the team.

Without ‘togetherness’ there is no team, just a group of individuals who are without unity and meet together in their separateness.

Togetherness requires power-sharing.

Power-sharing allows a division of authority.

The authority for departmental decision-making is owned by each department.

When the operation is divided into self-organising autonomous departments who share their power, it becomes both authorised & empowered.

The role of the Team Leader is to unify the Divisions of the Team by bringing the team leaders into unison and togetherness.

In a successful team, all team members are team leaders.