An Unconsciously Competent Law

The Law of Attraction is used most effectively with unconscious competence.

When I am unconsciously using the Law of Attraction, it works in the background most effectively.

My super-conscious entity employs the Law of Attraction to provide my Self with everything that I need on my journey.

Like gravity, the Law of Attraction works in the background without exception.

For my conscious Self to effectively use the Law of Attraction beneficially, I am required to be in alignment with the attractive potential, the power & authority, of my higher Self.

Unless my unconscious competence is in evidence, the Law of Attraction may appear not to work.

When my sub-conscious competence is not aligned with my super-conscious competence, I am at the level of unconscious incompetence.

My unconscious incompetence has no power of attraction and no authority to manifest into my conscious reality.