
Logic & Rationale are often confused.

Logic is rational and it is also emotional.

It is a rational perspective that has an emotional perception, to be otherwise is illogical.

It is emotional perception that allows logic to have clarity, otherwise being rational has no distinction from being logical.

The Law of Attraction is logical even when it is not rational.

The Golden Rule is still logical even when it is not the rational choice.

A rational perspective may choose an eye for an eye and the justice of revenge.

An emotional perception never sees the golden rule as illogical.

When fully appreciated, the Law of Attraction is never illogical, being neither irrational nor unemotional.

It is an irrational perception or an unemotional perspective that misinterprets the logic of the absolute reality of Attraction.

Attraction is an immutable force with a benign magnitude that allows the potential of the Golden Rule to exist.