Negative Affirmations

Not all affirmations are affirmative.

Negative affirmations affirm a negative reality.

What I affirm as my reality is not always what I want.

Affirmations of what I want quite often fail to materialise.

Affirming what I positively want is a negative affirmation of what I do not have.

Affirming what I do not have cements that into my future reality.

Focusing on what I do not have in the present puts the absence of what I want into my future.

The Law of Attraction ensures that like energy is drawn unto itself.

Negative affirmations create a negative future reality.

A positive affirmation focuses on the present moment with gratitude & appreciation.

The only positive affirmation is one of gratitude and appreciation for what I already have.

It is not the words of the affirmation that are powerful but the emotion on which the affirmation is conveyed.

A positive affirmation is one that has True Authority because it is an authentic expression of who I really am.

A negative affirmation lacks both power & authority because it is not an authentic expression of who I know my self to be.