Why I Appear to be Unattractive!

The Law of Attraction states that:

“Like energy unto itself is drawn”

The main reason for misunderstanding this Universal Law is that we are consciously unaware of our spiritual energy. Our physical consciousness focuses on our physical reality as opposed to the reality of the energy that we are. Our energy is our spiritual reality (spirituality) and the focus of our thoughts is physicality, which we see as our physical reality.

In short, we only see half of the equation when we only see what is visible with our eye-sight and we are without the in-sight of being able to see intuitively.

We live in a dual reality world that allows unconditional choice, should we choose to choose it. In the duality of our perspective, we create our own reality with our thoughts about our reality, whether we are aware of this or not.

Being Attractive and consciously creating our own reality requires not only an understanding of how the Law of Attraction works but also why it works and why it appears not to work. The only reason it appears not to work is because my perspective is out of alignment with my intention. My intention is for it to work and my perspective is that it doesn’t.

To bring my perspective into alignment with my intention requires an understanding of why it can be out of alignment, which is always because my intention is out of alignment with my Vision for my Life or my perspective is out of alignment with my vision. Whichever way I look at it, I am either in alignment or not; the ‘Law’ is my experience or it isn’t, because I choose my own reality.

Understanding how my intention, my perspective and my vision differ requires knowledge of the three lesser laws that allow duality to exist: The ‘law of non-attraction’; the ‘law of un-attraction’; and the law of ‘un-attractive non-attraction’.

In a relative dual reality world, the way to understand anything is by either experiencing its polar opposite, or better still its polar opposites, and therefore always having three choices.

To be Attractive, I first have to know why I am both non-attractive and un-attractive and then how to overcome both.