The Law of Un-attraction

The Law of Un-attraction states that:

“The polarity and gender of energy determines its attraction or un-attraction and the intensity of the experience”.

When the frequency of energy is divided by either a positive or a negative polarity, and the wavelength of energy is divided by either a male or female gender, then the potential for all variations of intensity becomes a possibility.

It is my choice of frequency polarity of my thought and the gender of the wavelength of my emotional energy that determines the particular intensity of my energetic vibration.

It is the polarity & gender of my state of being that allows a range of intense experiences that are either attractive or unattractive to me.

With an intensely variable range of vibration at my disposal, I am able to choose my own personality & character.

I can choose the wavelength of my emotion, the frequency of my thought, the gender of my personality and the polarity of my character to determine whether I personally like or dislike my character and whether my personal characteristics are a true reflection of my personality or not.

The Law of un-attraction allows me to decide whether I am like other people, unlike other people and whether I like other people or dislike other people, or whether I like not liking people or not; because we are either similar or different.

It allows my personal choice of what I attract unto my Self and whether I perceive it to be un-attractive or not.

There is another version of this law called ‘Murphy’s Law’ or ‘Sod’s Law’, which is also referred to as : ‘The Law of Reversed Effort’, which states: “What can go wrong, will”.