My Identity in Christ

Christ means my True Identity.

Christ is my True Identity.

Jesus Christ means Jesus the Man with the True Identity.

The Gospel of Jesus – the Good News – is that “We too can be like Jesus” and attain our True Identity.

My true identity is without personality and character.

The true identity of Jesus is well documented, whereas his personality and character are not.

My personality is the result of my emotional needs that motivate and drive me.

My true identity is being empowered with Love.

My character is the result of my limiting beliefs that determine my behaviour and my actions.

My true identity is being enlightened with Light.

My personality and character determine the dramas that I act out in my life.

My true identity knows the vision, mission and purpose for my Life.

My vision, mission and purpose in life is unique, individual and exclusive to me.

An Identity in Christ is universal and available for everyone.

Jesus had a unique mission in life. Christ was his True Identity.

We all have a unique mission in life. Christ is our True Identity.