Students & Pupils

I am a Student of a Course.

I am a Pupil of a Teacher.

Pupil & Teacher is a role duality.

It is where one believes that they have the knowledge and the other believes that they need the knowledge.

It is the duality of superiority and inferiority.

The pupil will always defer to the superior knowledge of the teacher.

It is only in my disconnection from the Truth that I seek to become the pupil of a teacher.

Jesus is the example of a Teacher without pupils. A Disciple is the student of a course, not a pupil.

My Inner Teacher and Coach does not seek to teach me about life.

My Inner Coach has given to my Self the gift of Life for the purpose of learning and growth.

My Soul chooses for my Self to be a Student of Life and to allow life to follow its natural course for my Self.

I am a student of the Nature of Life – of course.

Teachers teach, pupils are taught, students learn and disciples follow their own path.