Intuitive Healing

Intuitive Healing is my awareness of what my body needs to bring it back into balance.

Knowing what I need to bring my body back into balance requires an understanding of what is causing the imbalance.

A healthy body is in mental & emotional balance.

Re-balancing emotional energy allows my Self to feel good.

I cannot feel good & be out of balance.

Feeling good is my natural state of being healthy.

Unhealthy thinking causes bad feelings & negative emotions.

Unless I have a healthy perspective of life, I am thinking myself to unwellness.

When I believe that I am well, I feel well.

When I believe that I am unwell, that becomes my experience.

Healthy feelings always accompany healthy thoughts.

Thoughts never follow feelings, that is negative thinking re-inforcing negative feelings.

Knowing that I am well allows my Self to feel well & be well, you see.

When I intuitively see, know & feel my well-being, I am intuitively healed.