A Need to Feel Basis

When I cannot see with a clear vision, it is best to proceed on a need to feel basis.

My right path always feels right for me.

When my path does not feel right, I am seeing my path from a negative perspective.

Changing the direction of my perspective will change how I feel about my path.

I need to feel that my path is right for me before I proceed along it.

There is nothing that I have to do.

The doing is there for my experience of being who I am choosing to be.

I am required to feel who I am being relative to what I am doing, in order to discern whether my path feels right for me.

Feeling good allows me to follow my path effortlessly.

Feeling bad is the result of the resistance that I feel, which is telling me that I am following my path wrongly.

I am never off track; just lost, confused or frustrated.

There is no such thing as a wrong path, only a false perspective and a wrong way of following it.