What Do I Know?

“What Do I Know” is a question that connects me to my intuitive knowing.

It is a question that I ask when I have no rational knowledge of what is occurring.

Consulting my memory or rational knowledge data bank for information will disconnect me from my intuitive knowing.

When I ask this question it is because I think that I do not know yet I know that I do know intuitively.

The answer is always present when I allow my Self to connect to my knowing and knowingly receive it.

I am required to be present to intuitively know the answer.

Looking for an answer in the past or the future is a statement of it not being present and will disallow its presentation.

Everything that I know is contained within the stillness of the space that I am presently in.

My ability to answer my own question is relative to my ability to connect to my inspired revelations.

When the answer arrives I will just know it is the right answer for me.