How Do I Feel?

“How do I Feel” is a question that connects me to my intuitive feelings.

Intuitive feelings are emotional not rational.

Even though my feelings are emotional and not rational, they have a logic that I am required to learn.

With a minimum amount of emotional intelligence, I can feel the intensity of an emotion even when I do not know what the emotion is.

I can also feel the polarity of an emotion and determine whether it feels good or not.

It is the polarity of an emotion that determines whether the experience feels good or not.

The polarity of my emotional feelings is determined by my belief about what is occurring.

When I feel full of positive emotional energy, I do not need to ask my Self how do I feel.

When I feel good, I know I feel good.

It is when I do not feel good that I ask the question: How do I feel?

This is my opportunity to feel better about whatever is occurring, by choosing a better perspective that allows a better feeling to arise naturally within me.