I See!

“I See” is my acknowledgement of my intuitive connection to my answer.

When I get the answer, I see it intuitively.

I do not see intuitively with my eye sight.

I intuitively see the path of my inner tutor’s vision for my Self.

When I look at my life from the perspective of my Soul, I see my direction with clarity.

When I intuitively know what is right for me and it intuitively feels good, I see my path with clarity and without resistance.

With eyes that cannot see, I am intuitively blind to my personal vision for my life.

With the eyes to see, I intuitively connect to the effortless path that is my destiny and I avoid other people’s parables that are my fate.

It is not possible to intuitively know & feel the answer to my questions and not see the way forward.

The way forward is always presented in the present moment as a present.

I see into the future with my imagination, I see into the past with my memory, and I see the present with my intuitive insight.