Dislike, Hate, Loathe

I Dislike that which is unlike my Self.

I am comfortable with what I like and uncomfortable with what I dislike.

I dislike vibrations of energy that oppose the ones that I like.

What I like & dislike is relative to its energetic polarity.

I Hate that which I believe is detrimental to my Self.

Hate is intense dislike.

I love that which has value for me.

What I love, I see as positive and what I hate, I see as negative.

Love & hate is relative to energetic gender.

I Loathe that which I find repulsive.

I loathe what has no magnetic attraction for me.

I find repulsive that which is unattractive because of its opposing gender & negative polarity.

When I dislike something because of its low emotional power and I hate any choice that has a lack of mental authority, I loathe its unattractively poor suitability.

Loathing is an intense hatred of what I dislike and I find most unattractive for my Self.