Impatience, Anger, Fury

Impatience is caused by my belief that I have to wait for what I believe that I want right now.

It is the feeling that what I need, I acutely need now.

Impatience occurs when I run out of patience and the ability to wait for what I believe that I need.

Impatience is mild anger.

Anger grows and becomes chronic as my impatience intensifies.

The more that I am unable to meet the emotional energy required to cope with whatever is occurring, the angrier I become.

I get angry without the patience to endure my current emotional energy need.

As my anger intensifies, my fury grows.

Fury is the realisation of my impotence in my situation.

When my need for emotional energy is most demanding, I am furious.

When my demand for emotional energy is critically unmet, I am furious.