Four Instinctive Senses

I have Four Instinctive Senses:

  1. Vestibular – Balance
  2. Thermal – Temperature
  3. Emotional – Pain/ Power Loss
  4. Kinaesthetic – Movement

All four instinctive senses initiate sub-conscious reactions. When I react sub-consciously it is due to my instinctive senses. My instinct uses all four of my sub-conscious senses.

My sub-conscious Mind, called the Id, runs the physical body autonomously and reacts instinctively without consciously thinking. Instinct is a sub-conscious reaction by the body’s autonomous operating system.

  1. I sub-consciously react when I fall out of balance. My vestibular sense instinctively maintains my physical balance.
  2. I instinctively release anything that is too hot or too cold to handle. My thermal sense automatically maintains thermal balance.
  3. I automatically react when I feel pain or anger. My sub-conscious awareness maintains and balances my emotional power.
  4. I instinctively blink to shield my eyes from moving objects. My kinaesthetic sense maintains a balanced motion & direction.

My four instinctive senses combine sub-consciously and autonomously to maintain my physical body and my physical actions in a balanced and effective way.