The Four Initiations Of Life

The 1st Initiation is into a conscious physical body at Birth.

This is the Initiation of Earth or Soma when life happens to me & I develop Strength.

The 2nd Initiation is into the liquidity of the sub-conscious mind called Baptism.

This is the Initiation of Water when life happens by me as I develop Nouse.

The 3rd Initiation is into the super-conscious breath of the heart, which is called Confirmation.

This is the Initiation of Air, breath, wind, gas or Pneuma that confirms my allowing the core emotions of my source to flow through me.

The 4th Initiation is into the supra-conscious spiritual plasma called Enunciation.

This is the Initiation of Fire that spells out the unity of the Self as the Soul when life happens as me.

Earth, Air, Wind & Fire are aligned as the Soma, Nouse, Pneuma & Psyche that is my Strength, my Mind, my Heart & my Soul of my Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Life.

As I determine whether life happens to me, by me, through me or as me; I initiate a new strategy in the evolution & development of who I really am.