
Independence is the gateway to spiritual growth.

The Soul depends upon its Self for spiritual growth. This inner dependence is required to be mutually aligned for growth to occur. The Soul is always aligned with its Self but the Self is not always in connection with the Soul.

When the Self certainly knows and feels assured in its spiritual dependency, it attains Inner Dependence. This inner dependency requires no attachment to anything in the external world.

Before attaining Independence, I am first required to experience & understand dependency in its various forms. Standing under the authority of another, causes a dependency on that person. I depend on their authority for both my guidance & support.

In my early years of life after my birth, I was dependent on the authority of my parents for my need for emotional power. I formed an emotional attachment to them for my physical & mental support & guidance. To gain and maintain the emotional support of my parents, I was required to accede to their parental authority. In my disconnection from my inner dependence and higher personal authority, I formed an outer dependency on my parents.

As I grew up, my attachment & dependency on my parents diminished as I formed inter-dependent relationship attachments to my group of friends at school and in youth clubs. I became independent of my parental attachments when I left home and formed one-to-one co-dependent relationships with girlfriends; eventually settling down in a long-term co-dependent relationship with a wife.

Getting a job and leaving home gave the illusion of being independent, when in fact it was just the transfer of attachments to different people, who were available to meet my personal emotional needs. Whoever I form an attachment to, meets my emotional need for energy, on which I depend. My primary dependency in life is to whatever I need to meet my emotional needs.

Whenever I need emotional power from other people, I pay the ultimate price of giving my authority away to them. Whenever I need either mental guidance or emotional support, I abdicate my independence in favour of whoever I believe to best supply what I need.

True Independence can only be attained through a personal connection with the Soul. My Source Of Unlimited Life. When my Soul is my only source of emotional power & mental authority, I am no longer dependent on any form of external guidance or support. I become Self-empowered, Self-activated and Authentic.

True Independence is self supporting in alignment with one’s own spiritual guidance system.

The paradox is that the only independence that is guaranteed to ensure my freedom is my Inner Dependence with my Soul.