Free Radicals

A Radical is a concept, which is conceived from Source. All concepts conceived from Source are ideal ideas.

Radical ideas are ideal for Individuals but are an anathema to the Establishment. To the Establishment, only established ideas are ideal for Individuals. The Establishment believes that ideal ideas, for all Individuals, have been already established. They are the foundational principles under which society currently operates. The Establishment abhors any change to the established norms of its society. The Establishment believes that it is, itself, the source of all new concepts that are ideal for its society. Therefore, by their own ideal standards, radical concepts or ideals are idealistic and anti-establishment.

Radical ideas are new and innovative. To an Establishment, whose role is to uphold tradition, the initiative of innovative ideals is a risk to their own security. Freely flowing radical ideas are a risk to the security of the status quo of the Establishment.

The power & authority of the Establishment is established by the security of its own ideals. Indeed, security becomes one of its principle ideals. Individual Idealism is contrary to the ideals of the Establishment because it threatens both their power and their authority. The authority or direction of the Establishment is enabled by the power or support of its people. The people are directed by established ideals to which they willingly give away their power. When the people withhold their power, they deprive the Establishment of their authority, which contravenes the Established Laws of their Society.

The freedom of the Individual to challenge the Ideals of the Established Society is a risk to the security of the Establishment’s Authority. For an established society to be secure, it must give up its individual freedom and outlaw the radical ideals of its free thinking Individuals.

The idea that we are all free thinking Individuals, with our own exclusively unique and personal vision, mission & purpose for our life, is totally radical to an established society. Societal standards are maintained by principles, morals & ethics; which have been established through many generations of that society.

The Leaders of the Establishment cannot establish their authority to lead, if Individuals in society are freely following the radical authority of their own inspired and empowered ideas.

Only individually inspired & empowered ideas are ideal for Individuals following their own unique path in life. This will always pose a security threat to the authority of an Establishment that is without any true power.

Without the personal power of each Individual in society, the Establishment cannot establish its authority to rule and dictate law. Without the power to rule, it cannot establish the Laws that give it the authority to rule.

The Establishment has decreed that the Power of the People must not be used to undermine their authority, with freely flowing radical ideals.

The Establishment promises to keep society secure and safe from the terror & evil of free radical activity called Idealism or Terrorism.

Individually following one’s own ideal vision for one’s life is actively discouraged by both governmental and religious leaders. One does not need external leadership to follow one’s own ideal path in life.

The Established Government & Religion of a Society needs to be the source of all standards, morals, principles, rules, laws, concepts, ideas and ideals. It calls these ethics and conforming to established standards as being ethical. All of society’s established professional practices, practice under a code of ethics. All of a society’s leadership practice under a code of etiquette. All of society’s people behave under a rule of law. Freely practicing new and radical ideas is not ideal for the Establishment.

When radical ideas are oppressed; initiative, innovation & imagination are suppressed; which is ideal for the Establishment but never ideal for the Individual.