In Paradise

In Paradise:

  1. Thy Kingdom Come on Earth as it is in Heaven.
  2. Others do unto me as I have done unto them.
  3. I Love my Neighbour as my Self.
  4. We All Live Happily Ever After.
  5. The Fat Lady sings.
  6. Nobody ever gets sick.
  7. Dreams always come true.
  8. Providence provides.
  9. My destiny fulfils my vision, mission & purpose.
  10. Everyone is in control of their own power, their own authority & responsible for their own actions.
  11. The Law of Attraction is immutable, constant, consistent & benign.
  12. Everything happens in Divine Time.
  13. Death is a Joyous Event.
  14. Nobody ever forgets anything.
  15. Music is the Food of Love.
  16. I Love the Lord my God with all my heart, all my mind, all my Soul & all my strength.