Heart’s In The Right Place

My Heart is always in the Right Place.

The right place for my heart is at the core of my Beingness.

It is the centre of my excellence.

It is my Soul’s place.

My Heart & Soul are interchangeable as they have the same origin.

My origin is my place of Being.

I originate from the place of my Beingness.

My Heart is always there.

My Head is not always in the right place.

I have a mind to be wherever I choose to be.

My Mind chooses the right place for my Self.

My head & my heart are not always in the same place.

My Soul & my Self are not always in alignment.

When disconnected from its origin, my mind can wander into the wrong place.

This may be the wrong place for my heart but it’s the right place for me to learn who I really am.