
Influenza, or flu, is the name given by modern medicine to what is diagnosed as an infectious disease. It is believed to be caused by a so called ‘influenza virus’. There is no distinction between the disease and the virus as they are both called influenza.

Medical germ theory dictates that all disease is caused by an external invading pathogen; which for an unknown reason, the body’s immune system is unable to defend itself from.

In the case of flu, the external invading pathogen is diagnosed as a corona virus that allegedly causes the physical symptoms of a common cold with the added dis-ease of muscle pain and fatigue.

From a spiritual perspective, influenza is a loss of the conscious influence of 5 physical senses, 4 instinctive senses and 3 intuitive senses. It is a senseless physical condition, where all 12 senses are individually affected, diminished, diluted or disconnected on a spectrum ranging between mild & severe.

  • Mild influenza is diagnosed as a common cold
  • Acute influenza is diagnosed as flu
  • Severe influenza is diagnosed as pneumonia

The degree of disconnection experienced from all 12 senses, determines the degree of severity of the dis-ease, debilitation, disability & discomfort.

The five conscious physical senses affected are:

  • Visible focus
  • Hearing acuity
  • Physical touch
  • Smell
  • Taste

The four sub-conscious instinctive senses affected are:

  • Thermal body temperature
  • Vestibular balance
  • Kinetic muscle strength
  • Emotional power

The sub-conscious survival instinct of fight or flight is suspended and is personally inoperable. Fighting ‘bouts of flu’ is ill advised.

The three super-conscious senses that are affected are:

  • Intuitive knowing
  • Intuitive feeling
  • Intuitive seeing

When I have no clearly wise strategy for allowing, approving & accepting the effects of influenza, before becoming allegedly infected, I have no way of dealing with the affects when they happen to me.

The disconnection of all 12 senses is the natural way that a spiritual Entity shuts down its physical, mental & emotional levels of experience; for the purpose of repair, renovation & renewal. It is spiritually detrimental to carry out major reconstruction work at a molecular, a cellular or an organic level whilst the physical body is fully operational.

We wouldn’t consciously choose to remain living in an old house that we were currently stripping out for major renovation and reconstruction.

Overriding the conscious will of the ego self, the sub-conscious programming of the id and the higher purpose of our Spiritual Entity are all essential to allow our innate ability of rejuvenation through self-healing.

With a wealth of wisdom regarding our own personal health, we realise that we are never the victim of any invading pathogen and only ever the victim of our own fears and false viral beliefs.