
E.F.T. is the abbreviation for Emotional Freedom Technique.

It is a treatment used by therapists to overcome blockages in one’s life-force energy system.

It works in a similar way to acupunture, without the use of invasive needles.

E.F.T is synonimous with a ‘spiritual aspirin’.

It relieves the symptoms of an emotional blockage, such as fear, trauma, and panic attacks, but does not treat the cause.

My ’emotional freedom’ is restricted by my belief system.

My beliefs create the emotion on which they are transmitted and received.

It is what I think about a situation, occurrence or experience, that creates the emotion that I feel.

The cause of emotional insecurity is always a limiting belief.

E.F.T. alone will not cure the cause of my emotional instability, but it may relieve the symptoms long enough for me to work on the limiting beliefs that are causing it.