
Psychoses literally translates as the Soul chooses. The choice of the Soul or Psyche is deemed to be irrational & abnormal by intellectual rational thinkers. Rational thinking intellectual Psychologists have adopted the psyche as the mind, not the soul. A psychosis is defined medically as an acute or a chronic mental state marked by a loss of contact with reality. This defines someone that has a different world view to their standard norm as being abnormal due to a mental illness.

Following a different paradigm or world view from their own medically proven reality, in their mind, is at least neurotic and at its worst psychotic.

Mass Psychosis is the adoption by the masses of a malignant and unhealthy paradigm. This definition means that mass psychosis is an intellectual oxymoron because any world view held as a belief by a global majority is classified by psychiatry as healthy and normal, never malignant and neurotic. The global majority will never admit to suffering from a mass psychosis as they will never seek to comprehend a different world view to their own.

It takes the pioneering efforts of an apparently neurotic minority and decades of time for a global paradigm to change from malignant to benign or benign to malignant. It took decades for the medical establishment to admit that smoking causes cancer, eating fat does not cause heart disease and the drug thalidomide causes deformed babies. It is still in the process of admitting that not all bacteria are pathogens and light years from discovering that not all viruses are infectious diseases. By their definition, benign means not yet malignant. From my personal perspective benign is beneficial and malignant means mal-aligned with a majority world view.

Any Individual without their own world view adopts a global paradigm, which is a consensus world view, by default. In the absence of a personal connection to our own Soul’s choice, we all suffer varying degrees of neurosis and psychosis because we do not have, and do not own, our own view of our real world. The majority world view, which endorses current paradigms, is limited by our personal experience of using only the five physical senses. Unless we can physically see it, hear it, taste it, smell it or touch it, science cannot prove that it exists. Even so, all current paradigms are based on scientific theory, not absolute fact; which allows paradigms to shift as our perspective evolves.

Psychoses align with diagnoses of schizophrenia & paranoia. Schizophrenia is a duality disorder of conflicting emotional needs and emotional reactions to those needs. Paranoia is the belief in a continuously dangerous external threat, which endangers life. The current mass psychosis is caused by the belief in a conflicting threat to our personal health & safety due to a pandemic of invading mutating pathogens.

The minority world view is that the majority are all infected with the viral belief that their mortality is threatened by a rampant lethal virus. Our intellectual rational thinkers, endorsed by the mass media, have convinced the global majority that there is a lethal pandemic of an infectious virus causing the potential for unlimited cases of a morbid death from our own malignant immune system. Apparently we are all at risk of dying from our own case of auto immune disease. We are all in conflict, fighting a war against a mutating virus that causes our immune system to self annihilate.

The True Psychosis, or choice of the Soul, is for Human Kind, through physical experience, to see the horror of their own mental choices, which endorse a neurotic belief system, caused by a depressive-reactive, schizophrenic paranoia.

A healthy belief system and worldview will never see ourselves as victims of a pathogenic virus. We are only ever a victim of our mass psychoses, our schizophrenic paranoia and our viral belief systems, which support malignant paradigms as a majority world view.