Being Healthy

Being Healthy means being Able.

It requires the ability to be healthy.

It requires also, the ability to not be unhealthy.

Being Healthy is the ability to overcome the dualities of good & bad health; illness & wellness; and sickness & health.

When I am able to live life as I consciously choose, then I am Being Healthy.

Being Healthy requires the physical ability to be connected to both my emotional power and my mental authority.

My power is my Wealth.

My Wisdom is my authority.

With both power and authority, I have ability.

With Wealth and Wisdom I am Truly Healthy.

Health is the result of my ability to harness my Wealth & Wisdom.

My Ability is the Health of my Power & Authority.

When disconnected from my true power & authority, I am unable to be Wealthy, Wise or Healthy.