Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder is SAD.

For the season to effectively disorder my life is very sad.

Suffering from S.A.D. is being a victim of the weather conditions or the time of year.

Being a victim 0f the weather is being a victim of my beliefs about the weather.

S.A.D. is a disorder of my emotional energy created by my belief system.

It is blaming the weather or the time of the year for my emotional energy being low.

Believing that my emotional energy is dependent on the season of the year will effectively disorder my emotional energy system.

My depleted emotional energy is created by my beliefs not the time of the year.

Limiting beliefs deplete my emotional energy because they are not based on Truth.

Limiting beliefs are called limiting beliefs because they limit my Self in some way.

The limitied authority to choose always limits the power to be & do whatever I choose.

When I know that my source of emotional energy comes from within, I need never be S.A.D. again.