Being A Healer

Being a Healer is not healing people.

Healing people is what healers purport to do.

Being a Healer is a state of being not an act of healing.

The act of healing is done by one who is acting as a healer.

Being a Healer is the 3rd way between the duality of being an activist and being a pacifist.

Curing people’s ailments, by waging war on their illness, is not healing them.

Curing someone’s dis-ease, by connecting them to the peace and quiet they need, is not healing them.

The activism of an intimidating bully or war-monger is not a disease to be cured, it is a state of being to be healed.

The pacifism of a poor me victim or peacemaker is not a cure-all, it is a state of being to be healed.

Being a Healer is being someone who has healed their own personal attributes and attained a state of Beingness that is Divine.

In the presence of a Healer, others are able to heal their Self.

No-one can give me a state of being Healed.

It is a state of Being that I am required to attain my Self.