Mental Illness

Mental Illness is diagnosed as a mal-function of the brain causing a disorder in personality and behaviour.

It is thought to be the inability to function as a normal, rational human being due to a problem that is inherent within the brain circuitry.

Mental Illness is diagnosed by a Psychiatrist.

Due to a historical lack of success in past psychiatric treatments, the treatment of mental illness is being undertaken more and more by a Neurologist.

A neurologist studies the brain and nervous system to discover the areas that appear to be malfunctioning and to diagnose a treatment or operation to rectify or alleviate the problem.

Mental illness is seen to be a problem with the mind that is caused by a mal-function of the brain.

With no distinction between the Mind and the Brain, they are looking for an illness of the mind as being present in the brain.

Seeing no clear distinction between our mind and our brain may well turn out to be the greatest insanity of this modern age.