Mental Imbalance

Mental Imbalance is the norm in a relative world of duality.

We all suffer from some form of mental imbalance.

In a dual reality world it is normal to be out of balance.

Being out of balance means that my perspective is biased towards one extreme or other of what life has to offer.

My views and my perspectives need only be marginally in favour of one extreme or the other to put my Self out-of-balance mentally.

Mental Imbalance is created by the polarity and the gender of my choice that determines the intensity of my life.

A congruent life of harmonious effortlessness and flow is not normal in this world due to our mental imbalance.

My mental imbalance is created by the experiences, views, opinions, beliefs and convictions that I hold about life.

It is the total sum of my fears, anxieties and apprehensions that are caused by the sub-conscious limiting beliefs that I hold as my truth.

Mental imbalance determines my state of Emotional Well-being.