Being Cured

Being Cured is a desire of the ego that believes that it is the victim of an illness.

I can cure herrings but I cannot cure people.

Curing is a process of improvement or making better.

I cannot make someone else better, I can only help them to improve their Self.

When I believe that I am ill, I will never get better, I will just experience periods of time when I am less ill.

Illness is a belief that my health is being affected by something outside of my Self.

Abdicating a cure to someone who believes that they have been trained to heal me has proven unsuccessful.

They have only ever managed to alleviate the symptoms of my dis-ease.

I am on a continuing journey of personal development & spiritual growth, although I may experience it as a journey of sickness & ill health that hangs me out to dry and smokes me to death, should I so choose.