Terminal Illness

No Illness is terminal by its nature.

Any illness is capable of terminating life.

An illness is determined to be ‘terminal’ when the medical profession is unable to cure the symptoms that normally lead to the death of a patient.

The symptoms that usually lead to death are chronic disease of the major organs.

Our body cannot function without its major organs and will therefore die.

Whatever continues to inhibit the proper function of a major organ and is beyond the ability of medical science to alleviate it, is deemed to be a Terminal Illness.

All illness is reversible.

The cure for all ills is to be found in its original creation.

The origin of my physical illness is to be found in what I lack and need emotionally.

The origin of my emotional needs is to be found in my sub-conscious mind, which holds my belief system.

It holds the beliefs that program my genes.

When my beliefs are terminal, my illness is terminal.

Ultimately it is my belief about life that will be either its demise or its saviour.

Terminal Illness is a belief and a diagnosis that kills people, when they believe it to be true.