The Ability of Health

The ability of my health allows my healthy ability to live.

It allows my ability to live healthily and have a healthy life.

The ability of my health is relative to the power of my wealth and the authority of my wisdom.

My wealth & wisdom determine the health of my experience of life.

Ill health, sickness & disease are the consequence of my disconnection from the mental wisdom of my emotional wealth.

I cannot be wealthy & wise and not be enjoying good health.

The quality of my health is relative to my attribute of wealth and my attainment of wisdom.

With a healthy mind & a healthy heart, I create a healthy body.

My ability to create an ideal healthy life is determined by the power of my wealthy emotions and the authority of my wise choice of thoughts.

My ability to be healthy allows me to explore, discover & experience the wealth of wisdom that allows my healthy ability to live my ideal life.