Release, Deliver, Cleanse

Release, Deliver, Cleanse is the natural way to detoxify a healthy body.

When I Release a limiting belief and replace it with a new empowered belief, I rewrite my cellular DNA. DNA stores my mental operating system at the cellular level of my body. When I challenge & change a belief, I update my DNA and that requires a change at the cellular level of my microcosm. My body releases any redundant cells with corrupt DNA programming, which are then delivered into the body’s own natural waste disposal system. Calling our cellular waste disposal system an immune system turns our refuse collectors into soldiers and natural immunity has to be fought for, in a battle for health against an invading illness. Releasing the belief that I need immunity from my own healthy waste disposal system, is essential to delivering a healthy body.

When I Deliver toxic waste out of my cellular system efficiently and effectively, I never get sick. Any symptoms of illness are just a reminder to take time out to allow the body to naturally take a healthy course of recovering balance & harmony in a very toxic world. The liver is the central processing point and distribution centre for all the cellular cleansing operations of the body. When I allow my cellular waste process to operate in the way that it is designed to, it always delivers good health because I cleanse naturally.

The way to Cleanse naturally, in a toxic world, is to allow the body to take responsibility for operating in a healthy way. A good clean housekeeping practice maintains the physical body well. Being well allows the body to cleanse naturally. Being healthy is not about curing illness, it is about allowing a good cleansing programme that maintains the body in excellent working order.

Release, Deliver, Cleanse is how the body naturally detoxifies in order to maintain good health. Health is inherently beneficial and flows naturally & effortlessly when it is allowed to do so. I only ever need immunity from my own false perspective of being limited by my own ill health.