
Immunity is exemption. When I am exempt from external influences, I am exempt from external dramas. I am never exempt from external conditions. External influences & conditions determine our environment.

With immunity, I am free to determine the extent to which my external environment influences my internal condition. I do not choose immunity from my external environment. I choose to experience the destined benefits of my environment without a contrasting negative perception. My negative perspective perceives a toxic external environment, which I am trying to survive by striving to defend myself from a fate that is attacking me. My positive perspective sees a benign & beneficial environment in which I am destined to thrive.

My house is not immune from the natural processes of wear & tear. It is not immune from the extreme conditions of weather, accidents of nature, the damage of fire or theft by malign forces. A policy of insurance, maintenance & repair ensures that my house is kept in healthy working order.

My body is not immune from the natural processes of wear & tear. It is not immune from the vagaries of damage by malignant forces. Malignant forces are a negative perspective, which sees viruses, bacteria, fungi, toxins & poisons as an invading army. Having a defensive armoury does not make me immune from an attacking army of malignant forces. I am really attacking myself with a malignant belief in how I process life.

My natural self-healing system is designed to ensure the continued maintenance, repair and healthy condition of my body. My immunity from physical disease & illness is the wealth of wisdom that enables the innate natural healing systems of my body to proceed, free of any self imposed resistance.

I am immune from ill health when my thoughts, beliefs & mental programmes are positively beneficial & healthy. A wise healthy mind with a wealth of healthy emotions ensures that a healthy physical body is exempt from any negative effects of my external environment. In the absence of any negative internal influences, I am immune from any negative external conditions.

I do not require the physical immune system of a defensive army when I have cellular cleaning, maintenance & repair scheduled autonomously. At the cellular level, my healthy body is repairing itself, rebuilding itself and maintaining an internal operating environment, in alignment with the perspective of its own nature.

My perception of Being Healthy is my immunity to the discomfort & dis-ease of an unhealthy perspective.

“As above, so below. As within, so without”